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JALUD - Embedded Audio AI Detection for HEOP Cameras

HEOP integration: detect, classify and alert on dangerous or critical sound events

Solution Type: Alarm Systems, Video Analytics
Targeted Industries: Banking and Finance, Retail, Government Facilities, Safe City, Commercial, Utilities, Energy and Mining, Public Transport, Casinos and Gaming
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Solution Description

The Sound Event Detector (SED) alerts users to specific sound events and monitors environmental noise. The SED detector uses an AI algorithm to detect, classify and alert on dangerous or critical sound events. It is NOT a simple noise sensor but a reliable detection tool that helps to protect areas and save lives. The SED detector will alert on sound events such as: glass breaking, gunfire, panic screams or aggression.

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User Benefits

  • Our solution listens for important sounds that indicate a need for immediate security response to dangerous situations
  • Operational 24/7
  • GDPR compliant
  • Intruder detection via sound filtering
  • Doubles (at minimum) efficiency of monitoring center

Key Features

  • Response time: < 5 seconds
  • Multiple types of sounds detection: Gunshot, Glass breakage, Panic screams, Aggression....
  • High reliability / low number of false positives: more than 700,000 sound samples in our AI

Solution Architecture

Our AI is working inside Hikvision HEOP devices

Hikvision Product Compatibility

Network Camera

Technical Details

Partner Product Name: JALUD - Embedded audio AI detection for HEOP cameras

Partner Product Version: v2024

Hikvision Product Models and Firmware Versions: HEOP series 2 and 3 cameras (-)

Integration Protocol: HEOP


Regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa, North America, Oceania

Languages: English, Czech

About JALUD Embedded s.r.o.

JALUDs developers have extensive experience with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our main focus is to provide a new form of passive security by essentially adding EARS to the existing security solutions. We have developed Sound Event Detector to detect gunshot, glass-break, scream, aggression, drones, angle-grinder, spray vandalism, siren and other sound events that might indicate a dangerous situation.

Please contact us with any questions or if you are interested in this solution.