Solution Icon Solution Solution Type Integration Protocol Partner Hikvision Verified Industry 4.0 Package for Manufacturing and Logistics is integrating cutting-edge ML models for pallet and parcel monitoring, product inspection, forklift and truck monitoring and PPE detection. Paired with vision systems design, data management and ready-to-use deployment tools, en...

Updated on Dec 3, 2021
Analytics ISAPI, HEOP
Irida Labs

On industrial sites the risk of serious or fatal accidents is eminent, due to the normalization of the risk in addition to complex situations with various stakeholders. Late decision making has an immediate safety impact on a worksite. ST37 uses AI on industrial sites to provide a virtual assistant ...

Updated on Aug 25, 2021
Video Analytics HCNetSDK, ISAPI, ONVIF, O...
ST37 Sport et Technologie S.A.S
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